· I just wanted to say thank you CK so much for the last 6 years. My daughter Allison has come into herself and learned that it is okay to be one of the smart kids. I hope you both know how much this camp means to our children. They are able to make such wonderful memories and are able to connect with so many other kids just like them. Thank you so much for doing what you do and she can't wait to pass the packet on. I BELIEVE THAT CK ROCKS!!!!!
· As a sophomore, this last day was very emotional. though i didn't cry, many did because they were sad that their last year was over. that the experience was over. but something I've gathered these last couple days at camp: its not over. You will carry these memories for the rest of your lives. they wont change, they wont disappear, and you wont forget. nor will anyone else. this experience will last a lifetime, and i prefer to use the quote "fingertips don't fade from the lives we have touched" to validate this. Yes, we will no longer be campers at CK. Yes, we wont live in a dorm room for seven days with our best friends in the room or down the hall. Yes, we wont stand in an auditorium jumping around as we perform energizers. We wont ever get to yell in a dining hall while banging our fists on the table without suffering minor consequences. Just because we aren't campers anymore, doesn't mean that CK is over. Apply to be an RA, have your CK friends over in your tiny bedroom while blasting energizer songs, break into dance on a train, sidewalk, or maybe even in Walmart when they come on. teach younger kids the CK chants; get them involved in those experiences. College for Kids is an amazing experience. and yeah, leaving really stinks. but the friends you meet and the memories you make are irreplaceable. College for Kids will always be a part of your life, whether that be in reality or spirit.
"Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened."
· A short bit ago I left home to go home. It's truly surreal to leave another week behind at a place no outsiders seem to understand. All we tell is when I get older, I will be stronger so I can go Star Trekkin' 500 miles across the universe with some Kung Fu fighting penguins. Wonder why they don't seem to understand.
· Every year my daughter loved CK more and more. By year three she cried all the way home! The following year after she was too old she emailed Marilyn about twice a month begging to be a Junior RA but she had to sit out that summer and she missed it so much. Luckily the following summer she was chosen to be a Junior RA, then the summer after that an RA for one session, then two sessions and now she is doing all three sessions. This year she was asked to teach a class in addition to being an RA and as an education major she is beyond excited. CK made Makayla appreciate the fact she was gifted. She no longer felt different but loved and some of her best friends today are people she met at CK. Therefore, as her Mother, THANK YOU for this wonderful program!
-The Mother of a seven year camper
· CK provided a place where my gifted child "fit". It was a sanctuary, free of judgment and criticism, for not being a "typical" kid. Each year he went my mom heart swelled because I knew he would have a week that he did not feel like a social outcast. Thank for giving my child this opportunity and gift!
-Amy (a CK mom)
· CK Message: CK has been a shining light for our family, a place where our kids can grow and explore their interests at their own level, breaking free from the constraints of the traditional age-based school curriculum. CK challenges kids to be more and do more. My daughter spent 2 years watching the talent show and finally mustered up the courage to participate last year - something she never would have attempted without the acceptance and encouragement that CK provides. We love CK!
-Jill, (a CK mom)
· I just wanted to say thank you CK so much for the last 6 years. My daughter Allison has come into herself and learned that it is okay to be one of the smart kids. I hope you both know how much this camp means to our children. They are able to make such wonderful memories and are able to connect with so many other kids just like them. Thank you so much for doing what you do and she can't wait to pass the packet on.
· As a sophomore, this last day was very emotional. though I didn't cry, many did because they were sad that their last year was over. That the experience was over. but something I've gathered these last couple days at camp: its not over. You will carry these memories for the rest of your lives. they wont change, they wont disappear, and you wont forget. nor will anyone else. this experience will last a lifetime, and I prefer to use the quote "fingertips don't fade from the lives we have touched" to validate this. YES, we will no longer be campers at CK. YES, we wont live in a dorm room for seven days with our best friends in the room or down the hall. YES, we wont stand in an auditorium jumping around as we perform energizers, and sure, we won't ever get to yell in a dining hall while banging our fists on the table without suffering minor consequences but, just because we aren't campers anymore, doesn't mean that CK is over. Apply to be an RA, have your CK friends over in your tiny bedroom while blasting energizer songs, break into dance on a train, sidewalk, or maybe even in Walmart when they come on. Teach younger kids the CK chants; get them involved in those experiences we had too here at CK. College for Kids is an amazing experience. and yeah, leaving really stinks. but the friends you meet and the memories you make are irreplaceable. College for Kids will always be a part of your life, whether that be in reality or spirit. "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened."
· College for Kids isn't my home away from home. It is my one and only home. The place I am accepted and safe. The place I can eat as much as I want, I can wear stupid clothing, I can show the real me. I'm not singled out as "the nerd girl" because we are all nerds. College for Kids is where I met the people that I don't necessarily talk to everyday but I think about them a lot. For most people this will be their 5th or 6th, even 7th, year, this will be my 4th year. Sue and Marilyn are some of the most generous, patient, and loving people I have ever met. The RAs are so caring and they make sure that everybody in their group is alright and doing what they were supposed to do. I just think of CK and I see home.
· A short bit ago I left home to go home. It's truly surreal to leave another week behind at a place no outsiders seem to understand. All we tell them is when I get older, I will be stronger stop I can go Star Trekkin' 500 miles across the universe with some Kung Fu fighting penguins. Wonder why they don't seem to understand!
· "Thanks so much for putting on College for Kids all these years. You have no idea how big of an impact you have had all of our lives. I love CK and I love all the people I have met there. I appreciate all you have done for me and all the other campers."
· "This place means everything to me. Everything and everyone at CK changed my life, I've never had more fun anywhere else. Last week was definitely one of the best of my life, and I’m so sad that it’s over. As Sue says, we really are a CK family, and I'm so proud to be a part of it. Thank you, College for Kids for everything!"
· "Missing CK sooo bad!!! The nine hour drive was so worth the fun!! Love you CK!!"
· "Well gosh, my last year as a camper is over and I'm more than happy to say IT WAS THE BEST COLLEGE FOR KIDS EVER. FLASH MOB, HARRY POTTER, ICE CREAM FIGHT, SLIPIN' SLIDING, AND ALL THE FUN STUFF WITH SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS!!! College for Kids has been a life changing experience and I have no idea what next summer is going to be like without it. Okay enough of my gushing, I suppose there is something very big owed to everyone who makes CK possible. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! It's physically impossible to say it enough. Thank you Sue, thank you Marilyn, thank you Bo and Chris, thank you Ry, the evening activities were excellently directed, thanks to all the office staff and the RAs. Thanks for the wonderful pictures Gaby, thanks Erin for keeping everyone healthy, thanks to all the teachers for teaching us awesome things and thank you to everyone else I forgot. YOU ALL ROCK!!!!!"
-Pen 10th Grader
· "In the three years I have been to C.K. I haven't met one leader who wasn't amazing. Also every moment of those three weeks was amazing. I remember by first energizers. I was too nervous and embarrassed to do them, but by the end of the 1st week I felt comfortable enough with everyone to do them all out. So thank you so much Sue, Marilyn, and all the R.A.'s and all the campers that made it awesome. Best 3 years of my life!"
-Austin 10th Grader
· "I hope every camper realizes, as they are going through their CK memories, that it is you who makes CK great. Sue and Marilyn work so hard year round to make CK a success, but it wouldn't be what it is without the love that you all bring. The fact that each of you allows yourself to let go, commit to what we do, and just be who you are is why this camp is something special. Every year I'm more in awe of how ridiculously lucky
I am to be a part of it."
-Lauren RA
· "I’m sitting here reading all the posts on this wall (FB) and I’m crying again, I miss camp and everyone so much. I went to camp for four years and those 4 weeks were some of the best weeks of my life and I have all of you to thank for it. It’s one week of the year I’m not afraid to be myself and no one cares who I am or where I came from or if I’m a cheerleader or not. I met some of the most amazing people in the world and I’ll NEVER forget it. So thank you to Sue and Marilyn and everyone else for making those 4 weeks of my life the best ever! :)"
· "I remember my first day of CK, not really knowing what to expect. By the end of that day I never wanted to leave. College For Kids made every summer amazing and I will never forget any of it! Every year I looked forward to coming back, and every year just got better and better! I got to do so many things that I never would have gotten to do anywhere else. I had so many great memories and met so many great people. I can't believe it's all over. I just want to thank Sue and Marilyn and all the RAs and everyone else that put in so much hard work to make CK amazing every year! Thank you for the best summers of my life! ♥"
-Lyndsi 10th Grader
· "7 years ago when I first came to CK, I had NO IDEA what I was in for. I knew no one there was nervous. I would hardly look at, let alone speak to anybody. And then wow. Let's just say by the end of the week, I didn't feel that way anymore. Since I had such a good times that week, I kept coming back. Oh boy, was it worth it. I made some amazing friendships that I never would have expected to have in a million years. College for Kids also taught me a LOT. And for that I just wanted to thank Sue, Marilyn, and ALL the RAs for EVERYTHING THEY DO. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! I bet you guys don't even realize it sometimes even the smallest thing that you guys do means so much to me, so much to all of us. Okay I need to stop now because I'm crying again and this is super long. I just wanted to say thank you for making 7 summers of my life amazing.
I will never forget it."
-Kenady 10th Grader
· "I had a great time this year! Every year just gets better and better!!! Not very many people can say that they have been involved in an ice cream fight, a FLASH MOB, and a giant slip and slide all in one week!!!!! I always have the most wonderful experiences and meet the most wonderful people at College for Kids! Thanks so much Sue and Marilyn for all the hard work you put in to the best week of my whole summer! ♥"
· "It's hard to believe that we're finally leaving. It seemed like only yesterday when I walked onto Westminster campus for my first year at CK. I knew NO ONE but sure enough, I met some amazing people that grew to become my friends. No, not friends - a family. As the years continued on, we grew closer; welcoming newcomers into the CK family.
· It's 2011 not and it's my last year... and so far the BEST ONE!! FLASH MOB, HARRY POTTER, BEST DANCE EVER, BEST ICE CREAM FIGHT EVER, BEST SHIRTS EVER, and the list continues on and on!!! Its been incredible here. Not that it's my final year, I's like to say goodbye as a camper for one last time. I love you guys. Thanks for making the past seven summers the best of my life! I miss you all, but maybe we can all stay in touch. After all, we are family! "
-Andrew 10th Grader
Director: Sue Craghead
Phone: 573.642.2935
Email: collegeforkids@hotmail.com
Address: P.O. Box 722, Fulton, Mo 65251
Facebook: College for Kids A Summer Exploration, Inc.